Saturday, September 26, 2015

Something to think about

Don’t say that the bible is the Word of God, then let some preacher tell you what it means.

The Bible tells us that there is only one God (Malachi 2;10) and His name is Jehovah in the English language. (Exodus 6;3)

God has only one name. God said to Moses, as is recorded in Exodus 6:3, my name is Jehovah. The name Jehovah is the English translation of the Hebrew name of God which is Yehovah which was developed from the original tetragrammaton, meaning four letters which was YHWH. These four letters were pronounced Yahweh.

Jesus made the proclamation that God (Jehovah) sent His only begotten Son into the World to be the Messenger of a New Covenant that God was entering into for His people and His Son was named Jesus according to the commandment given to Joseph by an Angel (Matthew 1;21)

(Note by author) The meaning of begotten means that Jesus was born of a woman by procreation with the Lord God Jehovah being His Father.

Jesus also made the proclamation that only those who believe that Jesus was the Son of God will obtain eternal life for their belief, but those who do not believe will perish in the Lake of Fire (Hell). (John 3;16 & Revelation 20;15).

It is only because of the existence of the Judaea Christian Bible have we learned about Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ and what God expects of each one of us to be saved from perishing and what He expects of each one of us to inherit eternal life.

Do you believe in the existence of God? Well I certainly do, but beyond just believing, I know that God exists because of the unquestionable ways He has interacted with me during my life.

Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Well I certainly do because Jehovah God has proclaimed it to be true in the Bible, the same way we have learned of Jehovah God’s existence. 

In spite of the teaching of those who have falsely claimed of being sent by God to preach and teach that the Bible is inerrant from cover to cover it is not. The Bible does contain errors introduced into it by some of those who were a part of writing it and some of those who were a part of translating it into the English language.

Only by learning the complete truth of the meaning of Bible scripture from a God sent person who has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and not from a person who puts their own interpretation of scripture and teaches it as true fact will we know for sure.

How can we be sure of a person who has been sent by God and if their teaching is true? Give it the WORD test. If what a person teaches does not say what Bible scripture says, they are false preachers and teachers and everyone should avoid subjecting themselves to their teaching.

What is your eternal destination? Will it be Heaven or Hell?

It’s not too late if you are reading this to insure that you will be saved.

Don’t let any man or woman convince you that their interpretation of Bible scripture is true. Let the Holy Spirit reveal the truth to you. That is why God sent His Spirit into our hearts to teach us the truth.

Back to the Bible is the way.