Sunday, August 12, 2012

Another Life Experience

Well I had another Life Experience today that I want to tell everyone about.

Since I don’t attend services at any church anymore, simply because none of them teach the complete truth of God’s Word, I listened to a sermon on the Internet instead. Now I’m not saying that all the churches are in error about everything, they all seem to be according to bible scripture in most of the cases about the Gospel of Christ as it relates to obtaining salvation.
I had previously written about the Pastor of Happy Valley Church, Donny Reagan and thought that I might have been unfair to him after hearing him before, so I thought I would give him another chance to impress me.

The message that I heard today was about the difference between two Greek words in the bible that were translated into the English word which is “word”. The two Greek words that he spoke about were “Logos and Rhema”. At first he turned me a little bit off when he made the statement that only the “Elect” of God could hear and understand the “rhema” word of God. Although I didn’t agree with that, I continued to listen hoping he could reveal some good thing to me that I may have overlooked up to now.
This Pastor explained that the “logos” word translated into the English word “word” was the word of God that is spoken and written. Then the “Rhema” word translated into “word” was the word of God that only certain people could receive by a revelation. Well, he did a good job presenting the difference in applying these two words for a better understanding of Bible scripture and got me interested in taking a closer look at them in the event that I had missed something important in my Bible study.

It turned out, after I studied the scriptures I decided that what he taught was nothing but a bunch of gobbledygook that had no scriptural basis and is used by these “Message of the Hour” churches to justify the false teaching that the late William Branham presented to the people.
It’s too bad that some of these Pastors can’t preach a message from the Bible without using parts of William Branham’s sermons. They are just so convinced that Branham’s interpretations of scripture is so correct, they can’t get their own revelation of the truth from the Bible and teach the people God’s Word the way they should be doing.

God revealed to me years ago that I was to go to these “Message” people and turn them back to the truth of the Bible and get them out of the false teaching they were in. But I have not been successful so far because they are still looking for supernatural signs from God in my ministry and none have been given by God. After all, it was these supernatural signs that got them into believing this false teaching in the first place and God probably isn’t going to let that happen again.
You would think that presenting the truth of the Bible just as it is written would be enough, but when these “Message Believers” close their eyes and cover their ears to what the Bible says, it appears to be a lost cause unless God intervenes in some way and gets their attention.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Remembering the loss of a Friend

I was sitting at my desk today and when I looked off to my side I saw Lucy laying in the same spot in my room where Baby used to lay while I was working. As far as I know Lucy had never laid there before because it was Baby’s spot and Lucy always laid behind me close to the door.

When I saw Lucy laying there I just thought that maybe she could smell Baby’s scent on the carpet and could have been remembering her friend and wondering where she was.

These two had always been together no matter what they were doing. They ate together, played together, were groomed together and until recently slept together in the same bed.

As you can see in the following picture, even though they each had their own bed, it was their choice to share the bed together.

Now that Baby is gone, Lucy has had a traumatic change in her life just as we all have. I don’t really know for sure, but I believe that a dog can grieve just like people do. At least they are capable of remembering and knowing that things are not the same as they were.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Passing of a True Friend

Baby Cox

A Faithful Companion for 15 Years

Born September 1997  Died August 1, 2012

Adopted from Floyd County Animal Shelter March 12, 1998

A kind gentle and loving dog who asked for nothing more than to be petted by everyone who came around her.
Truly man’s best friend who was loved by us and will never be forgotten.
Baby is survived by her Mom and Dad and her baby sister Lucy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Memorial to our only Son

This is posted as a memorial to our only son Ronald L. Cox Jr.

Our Son who passed away at the young age of 41 after enduring a lifetime of serious medical conditions.

The following is a memorial that someone gave to us after his passing, but we can't remember who gave it to us. If anyone knows who had this made, please let us know as we would like to give this person our personal thanks for such a beautiful job.

Ron is gone from our present lives, but shall never be forgotten. Our love for him will continue until we meet again on the other side.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Remembering those of my family who I knew

And have passed from this life

Corina Cox, my Great-Grandmother, 1864 to 1956

Lived to be 92 years old, but never married until she was 70 years old. She took with her to the grave the name of my Great-Grandfather who none of us know. Her only son, my Grandfather Roda H. Cox was born in 1888 when she was 24 years old.

Roda H. Cox Sr, my Grandfather, 1888 to 1977

Lived to be 89 years old when he passed from this life. Some things my Grandfather and I had in common were, both of us chose the trade of being electricians and both of us retired from work when we were 55 years old. My Grandfather married my Grandmother Ella Partlow when he was 23 years old.

Ella Cox, my Grandmother, 1888 to 1966

Lived to be 78 years old when she passed from this life. I was raised by my Grandparents most of my life because of the separation of my parents. She was truly devoted to serving the Lord and not a day that I remember passed by that she failed to kneel by her bed in prayer before retiring at night. The Minister that conducted her funeral made the statement to the effect “if anyone ever enters into Heaven, she will”.

Roda H. Cox Jr, my Father, 1913 to 1972

Lived to be 59 years old when he passed from this life. He worked most of his life for the City of Jeffersonville in various jobs including being a police officer. He married my Mother when he was 21 years old and after many years of being separated, remarried to be together for the rest of their days.

Thelma M. Cox, my Mother, 1914 to 1989

Lived to be 75 years old before passing from this life. My Mother along with her sister and brothers were raised in an Orphanage due to the disability of her father and her mother having to work being unable to care for her children. My Parents had only one child which was myself being born in 1935.

Ronald Lee Cox Jr, my only Son, 1956 to 1997

Lived to be 41 years old before passing from this life due to serious illnesses. He was born with kidney problems and had to have a catheter placed in his bladder until he was about 12 years old for drainage purposes. Later he was placed on dialysis for many years before going through two kidney transplants which would preserve him for a limited number of years. Fortunately my Son got to know the Lord before his ailments led to his demise as a young man and went to be with the Lord.

Last, but not the least of the most recent lose in our family:

Tom Price, my Son-in-Law, 1973 to 2012

Lived to be 59 years old before passing from this life. Tom was a great and loyal help to his wife’s parents and passed from this life with much to live for at too early an age. Devoted to his wife, children and Grandchildren and as hard a working man that I have ever seen. Though not in the blood line of the Cox family, he certainly deserves a place of remembrance as much as anyone else because of his devotion and kindness.

Remembering lest we forget where we came from:

For Posterities Sake

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's in a Name

Sometimes I think that I am living a lie because I wonder who I really am. What I mean is that my last name, the last name of my Father and the last name of my Grandfather may not have really been Cox.

It all began back in 1888 when my Grandfather, Roda H. Cox Sr. was born to my Great Grandmother Corine Cox who at the time was unmarried. Because of that, the identity of my Grandfather's biological Father is not known and his last name could have been anything. In that case, my last name could have been Smith or Jones or anything else. Oh I know that it is possible that my Grandfather's biological father could also have been Cox, but I believe that it is unlikely and I believe that she just gave him the last name of Cox because that was her unmarried last name.

So who am I really? Does it really make any difference? After all, what's in a name?

Well for me it's very important, because I believe I have a right to know what my last name could have, or should have been and where my bloodline through my Father and Grandfather really originated from.

One example that should be considered is, if my last name could have been Smith instead of Cox and I married a girl with the last name of Smith, we might very well be related. We could be cousins or even brother and sister without knowing it. This could be a problem.

At the time I began to research the genealogy of my family I came across this dilemma that I was faced with, about who my Grandfather's biological Father was and those who might have had the answer to it had already passed away.

It is my opinion that a person should be known by the legitimate last name of their biological father, instead of using a name that was convenient for them to be associated with. It is also my opinion that a woman should maintain their last name, instead of assuming the last name of their husband, if only for the reason of maintaining their true identity and not losing it because of marriage.

I have found it to be very difficult while tracing the genealogy of a woman because of the last name change, but does not hold true for a certain man.

For myself, the real last name of a person is important and valuable and should be maintained for their true identity and not be lost due to a marriage, a divorce or because of a birth out of wedlock, or for any other reason.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tom Price

In Memory of my Son in law, My friend, Loved by all of us.

A man who was extremely kind hearted

Many hearts are deeply saddened on this day

May he rest in the hands of God for eternity.

On this day of March 31, 2012, this man who spent his life in a labor of love for his family and friends is entombed below the ground on which he worked so diligently to make better for everyone.

Though his body is laid to rest below, his spirit has returned to God who gave it and is kept in a special place that is reserved for those whose hearts were good to those around him.

A final farewell to my friend who I will greatly miss seeing in this life where true friends are hard to find.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lost Friends

Its been one week since I lost a good friend and still can't believe that I won't see him drive up to my house again. I enjoyed sitting on my front porch talking to him almost every week. I have had very few real good friends in my life and valued the friendship that Tom and I had.

I also saw a picture that a poster used on a blog site that also brought remembrance of another close friend that I lost some years ago. He treasured the days he spent in his boat fishing with his wife.

When I saw that empty boat it brought to mind that I will never see them on the lake again.

The Boat is empty because they have passed from this life into a better one.

This is thinking of you Don & Ruby Showalter, my memorial to you both.