Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tom Price

In Memory of my Son in law, My friend, Loved by all of us.

A man who was extremely kind hearted

Many hearts are deeply saddened on this day

May he rest in the hands of God for eternity.

On this day of March 31, 2012, this man who spent his life in a labor of love for his family and friends is entombed below the ground on which he worked so diligently to make better for everyone.

Though his body is laid to rest below, his spirit has returned to God who gave it and is kept in a special place that is reserved for those whose hearts were good to those around him.

A final farewell to my friend who I will greatly miss seeing in this life where true friends are hard to find.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lost Friends

Its been one week since I lost a good friend and still can't believe that I won't see him drive up to my house again. I enjoyed sitting on my front porch talking to him almost every week. I have had very few real good friends in my life and valued the friendship that Tom and I had.

I also saw a picture that a poster used on a blog site that also brought remembrance of another close friend that I lost some years ago. He treasured the days he spent in his boat fishing with his wife.

When I saw that empty boat it brought to mind that I will never see them on the lake again.

The Boat is empty because they have passed from this life into a better one.

This is thinking of you Don & Ruby Showalter, my memorial to you both.