Monday, August 18, 2014

What Value is Truth?

Most of the people in the Church World are just like these two boys depicted in the above picture when it comes to being introduced to something new. People are so comfortable with what they know and so biased in their thinking, that they refuse to hear or see when someone tries to show them anything that challenges their belief.

When I accepted everything that came over the pulpit as truth, without question; when I agreed with everything that the preacher said; when I was a lukewarm Christian I did not rock the boat, I was no trouble to anyone; not even the devil. I was neither overly sinful nor overly holy. I was just another of many halfhearted believers, and my life was quiet and untroubled. I was accepted. But then I changed. I got hungry for more of Jesus and God’s Word and I could no longer play church games.

I began to search the scriptures to see if what was coming over the pulpit was indeed truth and in line with the bible. I questioned certain doctrines that did not line up with God's Word. Down came my idols of denominationalism, preachers, position, money, acceptance, fame, popularity, pleasure--anything and everything that was more important to me than Jesus and God’s Word. I repented and turned to the Lord with all my heart. I began to dig into God's Word and study it to show myself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. I entered into a new realm of discernment and began to see things in the Church that before had never bothered me. I heard things from the pulpit that broke my heart. I saw other Christians compromising on what the Word of God says in order to be loved and accepted by all of the churches.

I reflect back and realize that I too was once that way, and I was hurt. I was hurt because I realized that I once was the same way, giving more allegiance to church creeds, traditions, doctrines and constitutions than I did to the Word of God. I was hurting because, they do not know what they are doing because they are self-deceived. But, I was awakened, turned around, made broken and contrite in spirit, and God gave me a burden for His people that they too would believe the Word above the philosophies of man.

What was the result of this? Now my friends and family think I am crazy, a false prophet, led astray and even controlled by demons. Instead of rejoicing with me or encouraging me, they ridicule me, mock me and call me a defector and a strife breeder. In fact some don't even consider me a believer anymore. Some have consigned me to hell.

One reason for this is their religious biases are threatened whenever someone from within their ranks takes spiritual commitment and the Word of God serious enough to question non-Biblical doctrine and refuses to play religious games with the living God.

When the Holy Spirit awakened me and I began to embrace the Lord's call to expound the truth that was revealed to me. I began to stand for what the Word of God said and I began to see things regarding the issue that I never saw before and I wanted to share it with people. I talked to leaders of churches and pew people, I opened my bible to them so they could see the truth for themselves.

I hoped these believers would see these truths too--that they would love the Word and fall on their knees with me and pray for a greater understanding of these truths. Instead, I found that most of them became very angry and upset. I was accused of being a strife breeder, turning against your church, trying to split the church and giving heed to doctrines of demons. The more I sought God and tried to expound the truth about the matter the angrier they became until I ended up being shunned by everyone. They refused to listen to anything about the subject.

Multitudes of Christians today do not love the truth. They love their traditions, their leaders, their constitutions and their church doctrines. This is proven by their adherence to what the above says rather then what the Word of God says. These compromising believers are deceived but, like the Jews of Jesus' day, they are convinced they see clearly. They say they adhere to God's Word but, the truth is, only if it agrees with their churches belief. Something other than truth holds their hearts; they do not embrace God's Word like a priceless pearl. Instead they coddle whatever the preacher says, or the constitution says, or some false teaching that caters to their flesh.

In the minds of those who reject me and forsake me because of truth have good reason: It is because they see me as a threat to something they hold dear.

My stand for truth is a rebuke to their compromise. Because of this they cover their eyes and their ears to keep from seeing a reason to question their beliefs. Change must come from the heart and the way to the heart is through the eyes and the ears.


grammyof6 said...

I once had a burden for someone that was incapable of hearing or seeing the Word of God. I told this to a minister whom I believed to be a man of God. Before he prayed with me about this person, he said something that has always stayed with me. The preacher said, "God has a way of reaching those that seem to be unreachable". That has always given me much peace.

Ron Cox said...

That is true that all things are possible with God as the scripture says. God through His infinite mercy gives some exemptions from an obligation to hear the gospel and believe because of circumstances beyond their ability to see or hear. A case in point could be because of a person being born deaf or young children who are not old enough to comprehend.

But there are some who because of their rebellious attitude for whatever reason and refuse to hear the Word of God and accept the truth may not be afforded that exemption that He gives those who are not capable.

This is God's Kingdom where He determines who is judged favorably or unfavorably according to the choices they make and it is not up to man to pass judgment as to whether a person will be found acceptable in His sight. Only God knows the heart of a person and unlike man He judges righteously.

The only point of my post is to point out those who are rebellious and refuse to hear by covering up their ears to the truth and favor the word of man rather that the Word of God as He has delivered to mankind.

grammyof6 said...

Yes, I agree. There always has been, and will be people as you described. I'm happy for the scripture that says that, "He will not lose one of His". You are also correct that only God truly knows the heart. He also tells us that we will know them by their fruits. It is so important to have a willing heart for whatever God has for us. If your heart is willing and you have the right attitude, God is faithful to reveal all of His truths, to us.

Bible Man said...

Thank you for your response to my post concerning the depth and calling for the benefit of the Church of God that my life is devoted to because of the revelations that I have received.

There is one thing that you mentioned that I hear a lot of preachers say and that is the phrase of “by their fruits you shall know them”. Jesus said this only once in the scripture as He was speaking of false prophets to be aware of. Basically Jesus said that true prophets prophesy of good things that are to come according to God’s Word and false prophets speak of evil things that are not according to God’s Word. The fruit of the things they prophesy about are whether their prophecies are good or bad.

According to my understanding only prophets are to be judged by the fruit of their prophecies.

I have been made aware of too many preachers who have taught others to pass judgment and condemnation on those who are viewed as not being true believers because of the subjective way they are viewed by a preacher and is not according to the spirit of God’s Word by stating that “by their fruits you shall know them” whether they are true believers or not.

Jesus said that we are not to judge one another. Also the scripture says to us: “Who are we to judge another man’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls, for God is able to make him stand. Let us not therefore judge one another”.

It is up to God the Father to determine if any of us possess the fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and/or temperance, either as possessing all or any part of these qualities as a result of the measure of His Spirit that we have.

To pass judgment on anyone as a result of only our subjective observation of another person who should not be subjected to the judgment of anyone except God the Father is going against His authority.

Just my observation!

grammyof6 said...

Yes, I agree, we should never pass judgement on anyone for as I have said before, only God knows the heart. When we began serving God it's like stepping stones, one step at a time.

As Jesus was speaking to the multitudes, he said this:

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I like what a brother in our church said, "Sometimes people just want to be fruit pickers, but it's not for us to determine where they are in their walk with God based on what fruit we do or don't see.

Most importantly, we should pray for and encourage one another in the Faith.

Ron Cox said...

I like what the brother in your church said and agree with him. Too many times we look for the fruit of the Spirit in others when we should be more concerned about what we look like to other believers and unbelievers who are watching us.

If we all just examine ourselves and judge ourselves, we might be more pleasing in the sight of Him who is watching us.

The fruits of the Spirit in us might not be as visible to others as they should be because the Spirit of Love might be expressed in ways that are not always visible to others. Also joy sometimes is not expressed outwardly as it should be, but for a believer the joy that is contained in the heart knowing what is to come makes a person joyful even in the most hardest times in this life.

Now as I examine myself, I find that I fall short on peace, longsuffering and gentleness, but I believe that my goodness has been expressed as I have had the opportunity to help those that were in need and my faith is unwavering and strong because of the experiences I have had with God.

I never ever thought that I could ever come close to perfection in myself, but being in Him that was perfect in all His ways gave me the comfort that I needed to persevere in this life.

That is my conclusion on self examination, always knowing that I can be better as I walk closer to Him.